Tired of dropped calls, voice delays, poor quality and a required internet connection? Meucci solves all of your call and chat problems…And it’s completely FREE!Communicate with groups even if they do not have the app. When you use Meucci to communicate, distance has no meaning.• FREE CALLSo Meucci provides crystal-clear quality as well as the most stable calls anywhere in the world to anyone you want. Call friends, family and colleagues through Meucci so you don’t have to pay for calls.
• NO INTERNET REQUIREDo Meucci has a unique hybrid system which automatically decides whether to use GSM (Cellular) or VoIP (Internet/Data) to ensure the cheapest, highest quality calls possible. If your plan has unlimited calling, stay on GSM. If you are restricted by minutes, then use VoIP for free unlimited calling. {Please note that a split second of data is required to initiate the call.
• GROUP CHAT AND CALLSo Use Meucci to stay in touch with all of your groups, foreign or local. o **Add as many people to a call as you want!**
• NO INTERNATIONAL CALLING FEESo All your calls, including international calls are treated as if they were local calls. Download Meucci and stop paying insane international roaming fees when you are overseas!
• CALL FRIENDS WITHOUT MEUCCI INSTALLEDo Call people without them needing to download the application. You are the only person who needs the app to initiate a call through SMS (text message). Don’t believe us? Install the app now and try in minutes!
• SIMPLE SETUPo Just register your phone number and you can immediately start calling and messaging anyone, anywhere.
• MULTIMEDIAo Share photos, videos, and other files to your friends and groups quickly and easily.
• SECUREo State of the art encryption ensures that your messages stay private.
*Carrier charges may apply. Please contact your carrier for more details. *Meucci NEVER uploads your phone book to make it searchable or public (for more information please read our privacy policy http://meucci.co/privacy)Freedom does sound good!
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